Favorite things…Part 4

One of the great things about being a physical therapist, is there are so many different techniques, exercises, treatment approaches, and areas of specialty that make up the field. I’m going to take the last post of my month of favorite things to discuss my treatment approach/philosophy and highlight how my specialties and special skills are incorporated.

I have a certification in manual therapy which is the hands-on treatment with special training in clinical assessment and diagnosis which really shapes the majority of my treatment approach and philosophy. I look at my patients and their problem as one big puzzle that needs to be solved. I usually will start at the local area of their problem and then gradually move away from the joint or treatment area to assess and identify any underlying restrictions or faulty mechanics that could be the driver of their problem. I usually spend a decent amount of time during the initial stages of the rehab process doing hands on work including joint mobilizations/manipulations, soft-tissue work, and stretching. I have training in instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization which patients know by ASTYM or Graston which can be very beneficial, especially early on, with improving ROM and flexibility and decreasing pain. Another technique I use is dry needling with electrical stimulation. I have gotten great results with incorporating dry needling and overall patients seem to like it and how they feel after a visit.

In addition to my manual therapy certification, I am a board certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS). I believe that hands-on work goes hand-in-hand with exercise and a patient can’t have long lasting improvement when one is neglected. My initial approach is making sure patients have appropriate muscle activation and control for a solid foundation to progress from. I believe that less is more when it comes to prescribing home exercises and usually only give patients two or three exercises to do independently. The exercises are usually the most focused and will provide the maximum benefit without overwhelming the patient.

If you are interested in learning more or about treatment options, don’t hesitate to call/text 701-318-4731 or email alison@pinnalcetherapywellness.com to learn how we can help. Don’t forget to follow on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on the happenings at Pinnacle Therapy & Wellness.


Lumbar Spine Anatomy


Favorite things…Part 3