How can physical therapy help me?

There’s no reason to let pain, weakness, stiffness, or any other ailment keep you from staying active. Connect Physical Therapy will help you figure out what’s causing your problem and provide personal care to help you get moving again without difficulty.

Do you accept insurance?

We are an in-network provider with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Sanford Health Plan (except Sanford Health employee plan), ND WSI, and Medicare.

What is your policy regarding COVID-19?

All of the staff in the office are fully vaccinated and at this time will wear a mask at the request of the patient. Commonly used surfaces and any equipment used during the course of your visit are frequently sanitized and will be cleaned prior to you using them during your visit. If you are not feeling well, please cancel your visit until you are feeling well again.

What’s vestibular rehab?

Vestibular rehab refers to the treatment of inner ear. Connect Physical Therapy specializes in treatment of positional vertigo (crystals in the inner ear), post-concussion symptoms, dizziness, and imbalance.

What physical therapy services do you offer?

Alison is specially trained in instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (similar to ASTYM or Graston) and dry needling, in addition to, being Board-certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) and a Certified Manual Physical Therapist (CMPT).

I don’t have any pain. Can physical therapy still be useful?

Pain isn’t always the best predictor of how your body is functioning during your everyday activities. You may have stiffness and lost of function that PT can identify and help you perform at your best no matter what your activity level is.