No Magic Treatment for Low Back Pain

I’d love to tell you there are five magic exercises that will rid you of low back pain once and for all or eliminate the risk of every getting it. If you believe that, I have some ocean front real estate in central North Dakota to sell you! But there definitely are certain exercises that are helpful in the long run and my go-tos.

The foundation for all low back rehab is making sure the patient has proper activation and endurance of the core musculature including the diaphragm, transverse abdominus (aka corset muscle), pelvic floor, and deep spinal stabilizers including paraspinals and multifidi. My favorite exercises for core activation and engagement include diaphragmatic breathing, TA isometric progressing to marching, and quadruped marching. Once patients are able to engage while lying down and seated position, we’ll progress to kneeling and standing positions.

Since the human body never moves in just one plane of motion and muscles don’t work individually, an important part of the process is to try and simulate normal everyday movements initially cueing for proper activation and progressing to adding resistance and more advanced movement patterns. This would include squatting and lunging with cueing for good alignment and slowly adding weight. Another important aspect of the rehab process is making sure patient has adequate hip strength so I like to include 3-way monster walks with resistance starting at the knees and eventually moving it to the ankles. I also like to include 1-hand pulls/rows from varying levels, carrying, lifting, step ups forward and lateral, and push/pulling motions.

Like I stated at the start, there aren’t any magic exercises that will cure back pain for good, but making sure to include a well-rounded set of exercises that address core and lower extremity strength is a good foundation to build upon.

If you are interested in learning more or about treatment options, don’t hesitate to call/text 701-318-4731 or email to learn how we can help. Don’t forget to follow on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on the happenings at Pinnacle Therapy & Wellness.


My Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipes. Enjoy!


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