2020 - What a Year!

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As we near the last day of 2020, it’s hard not to reflect back on all that has happened this year. I feel like 2020 has taught me not to take anything for granted and to cherish all that I have been blessed with. I, probably like everyone, started the year with a sense of hope of what the year would bring as it almost had a mystical aura to it.

I decided the summer of 2019 to go forward and start my own practice launching the idea that ultimately would become Pinnacle Therapy & Wellness with eyes of opening the following May 2020. I started working on figuring out the ins and outs of starting a business, picking a name, basically everything that doesn’t relate to the actually day-to-day physical therapy stuff.

I spent the first three months of 2020 filing paperwork to become an actual business, learning how to build a website, and working on a marketing plan. I was actually about 10 days away from giving notice at my job when COVID-19 became a reality locally and not just something on the news far, far away. My plans quickly changed and I decided to hold off and my start date got pushed back indefinitely. This was actually the best thing that could have happened to me as I reevaluated and ended up changing a few things in my business model and plan even though I was now stuck in a holding pattern.

Fast forward to the start of June and I knew that I just couldn’t put off my plans for much longer. I was able to secure a location and kicked things back into full speed and set my launch date with the lofty goal of being on my own before the end of September. I can tell you there were a lot of early mornings, stress, and anxiety while I tried to get everything in order while still working full time.

September 8, 2020 the dream for Pinnacle Therapy & Wellness was realized and I saw my first two patients that day. I am a one-woman show and am learning as I go all I want to and more about insurance billing, website design, Facebook ads, and way too many other things not related to patient care. I still have too many early mornings, stress, and anxiety, but I know that I’m working toward building something that will not only allow me more freedom and work flexibility, but at the same time, allow me to treat my patients the way I want to and provide a higher level and quality of care.

This year has been a year of growth for me and I have come to have a greater appreciation for all of my blessings and my great family and friends. I’m not saying 2020 hasn’t been hard, but it’s highlighted for me what’s truly important and to ignore all the riffraff.

If you are interested in learning more or about treatment options, don’t hesitate to call/text 701-318-4731 or email alison@pinnalctherapywellness.com to learn how we can help. Don’t forget to follow on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on the happenings at Pinnacle Therapy & Wellness.


Cervical Spine Anatomy


My Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipes. Enjoy!